A Brief History
This article presents a chronological list of notable events that happened on April 28th. For each date below, please click on the date to be taken to an article covering that date’s event.
Digging Deeper
On April 28, 1192, the Hashshashin (Assassins) assassinated Conrad of Montferrat (Conrad I), King of Jerusalem, in Tyre, just two days after his title to the throne was confirmed by election.
On April 28, 1192, the Christian King of Jerusalem, Conrad of Montferrat, perhaps better known as Conrad I, was murdered by an Islamic organization called the Order of Assassins, or the Hashshashins, in Tyre, just two days after his title to the throne was confirmed by election.
On April 28, 1503, the armies of Spain and France fought in Southern Italy at a place called Cerignola (near Bari), a battle decided by the small arms fire of muskets and arquebuses, one of the first European battles where small arms fire from firearms decided the battle.
On April 28, 1881, the notorious outlaw and gunman known as Billy the Kid escaped from his jail cell where he was being held after he was convicted of murder and sentenced to death.
On April 28, 1941, the company that would become Coach, Inc. maker of premium designer leather goods was founded.
On April 28, 1944, an Allied training mission in preparation for the upcoming D-Day invasion of France went from bad to worse, resulting in a bizarre exercise defeat that was kept secret (kind of) from the public for years.
On April 28, 1973, Pink Floyd’s album, The Dark Side of the Moon, made it to the top of the Billboard Charts, and went on to spend a record-breaking run of 741 weeks on the charts.
On April 28, 1988, Aloha Airlines flight 243 was on the way to Honolulu from Hilo when a huge portion of the upper part of the fuselage blew off the airplane.
On April 28, 1988, while in flight a jet airliner had its roof suddenly and violently blown off, taking a hapless flight attendant with it.
On April 28, 1996, a 28 year old that had inherited over half a million dollars went on a shooting rampage in Tasmania, killing 35 innocent people and earning 35 life in prison sentences when he was later convicted of the crimes.
On April 28, 2023, we looked at the five most notable declared candidates for the 2024 Democratic Party presidential primaries as of April 28, 2023.
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Historical Evidence
For more information, please see…
Andrews, John and Matt Baker. Timeline of World History. Thunder Bay Press, 2020.
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