A Brief History
Since their domestication several thousand years ago, cats have gone through a few changes in their behavior and anatomy throughout the years. In the earliest centuries, cats were wild, yet attracted to human settlements. They were later domesticated as pets, and the development of cat breeds appeared in the mid-19th century. This date in history is important to many of us, who now consider this fluffy pet an important family member.
Whether you are considering bringing a new cat home or you already own one, accommodating to your pet’s needs and organizing a safe space for them should be your most important task. Just like any other family member, your pet needs to feel safe and comfortable in their own living space to feel at home. Fortunately for you, we have curated a few tips on creating a comfortable living space for your cat.
Digging Deeper
Provide Resting Spaces
Cats like to sleep in a variety of areas, which is why it is important to provide several resting spaces around the house. They also tend to rotate a lot in their sleep, so make sure these places are away from any open areas or hectic parts in your home. Ensure that the cat’s safe space is private since cats like to be away from the noise and they appreciate their own seclusion.
If you own dogs, make sure the cat’s space is out of the dogs’ reach, in order to provide your cat with their own escape and sanctuary. You can include small cat doors or jumping fences that your dog will not be able to access.
Include a Cat Tree
Cat trees have multiple purposes for your pet. A cat tree provides several resting areas and climbing opportunities, and it is a fun area for your playful pet. You can either buy a cat tree for your cat or create your own one. Cat trees are so versatile; they can be short or stretch to the ceiling. The perfect spot for a cat tree would be close to a window, where the cat can watch the outdoor action.
Provide a Scratching Post
All cats need something to scratch their hearts out, and if you do not want your pet scratching on your furniture, then you need to provide her with a scratching spot in the house. Cats like to scratch surfaces to maintain their claws’ good condition. They also do so to mark their territory; that is why they tend to scratch your sofa sometimes. The cat notices you spend a lot of time there, so they scratch that area to claim co-ownership.
The best spots for a scratching post would be near entrances and next to their resting areas. Ensure that the scratching spots are tall enough for your cat and provide both horizontal and vertical surfaces. Once placed, you can teach your cat how to use the scratching post and give a reward every time he/she uses it.
Incorporate Hiding Places
To make your cat feel safe and secure, you need to incorporate a few hiding places around the house to accommodate your pet’s needs. You can provide them with perches for them to climb on to observe the room or a cozy hiding spot for them to call their own. That way, your cat will learn how to cope with the household’s stressful situations or avoid crowds when you have guests coming over.
You do not always need to buy any new cat furniture; sometimes one tall piece of furniture is more than enough, and a table for them to hide under or a cardboard box to hide in. You only need to make sure your cat has both options around the house.
Provide a Litter Tray
Where you place your pet’s litter tray is crucial, since it has to be in a private and quiet zone. Your cat-friendly home must include a litter tray that is the right size and in the right location. These feline species are usually clean, so they will always prefer a safe zone that suits their preferences. Place the litter box in a room’s corner, and ensure that it is away from other resources such as water and food.
You might also need to avoid placing litter boxes in confined areas since cats feel vulnerable while they are using one. Another great spot would be an outdoor tray, where your cat can enjoy the sun in a nice area. Remember to experiment with different areas, since many cats have different preferences.
Cats are known to be cute predators and explorers, who love climbing and hiding and enjoy high spaces. These fluffy pets like their own company, but they also tend to be very sociable and friendly. When we bring a new pet home, we need to ensure we don’t suppress any of their natural instincts and provide them with what they need. For your own cat’s happiness, make sure you provide a safe environment for them.
Question for students (and subscribers): Do you own a cat? Please let us know in the comments section below this article.
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Historical Evidence
For more information, please see…
Pion, Paul D. and Gina Spadafori. Cats for Dummies. For Dummies, 2000.
The featured image in this article, a photograph by José Ignacio Pompé, is licensed under the Unsplash License.