A Brief History
On the heels of the Rafael Eduardo “Ted” Cruz victory in the Wisconsin primary, many voters may not be aware of his connection to giant financial institutions and the disastrous administration of George W. Bush. That connection is his wife, Heidi, the former Heidi Nelson and former Seventh Day Adventist.
Digging Deeper
Heidi Cruz has been an employee of the notorious Goldman Sachs financial giant, a key company responsible for the drastic economic collapse of 2008, and bailed out at taxpayers’ expense. (Note: Although often referred to as “Obama’s bailout” the bank bailout was actually engineered and passed during the Bush administration.) Heidi has also worked for Merril Lynch and JP Morgan Chase, 2 more giant Wall Street financial firms .that raped the US economy.
Additionally, Heidi Cruz worked for the failed George W. Bush administration in the Treasury Department and then in 2003 for National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice. You may recall the epic disaster our “National Security” team gave us back then, the Iraq War based on lies and fumbled terribly, a monumental blunder that cost our nation well over a trillion dollars, an amount greatly magnified by the unfunded nature of the expense being placed directly on our national debt.
Does the Goldman Sachs and Wall Street connection extend to Senator Cruz? You bet, as in January 2016 it was revealed Goldman Sachs had invested in the Cruz 2012 senatorial campaign with a “previously undeclared” loan.
Thus, despite enjoying a resurgence in his 2016 Presidential bid, Ted Cruz is saddled with a solid connection to the same people that ruined the economy of the United States, put millions of Americans out of work, destroyed pension funds, and grossly increased the National Debt. That does not sound like the guy promoting himself as some sort of outsider that will clean up Washington! Perhaps just another spoiled rich puppet of the billionaires pretending to be the champion of the common man, the common man that Cruz cannot stand and looks down on. Even the mainstream Republicans now endorsing Cruz are doing so reluctantly and while holding their noses. Question for students (and subscribers): How about you? Please let us know in the comments section below this article.
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Historical Evidence
For more information, please see…
LeBon, Paul. Scent of a Liar starring Ted Cruz: Where’s the Truth? It’s Flowing Like Mud Around Here. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016.
LeBon, Paul W. Liar Liar Cruz on Fire: Exposing the Biggest Fraud in US Political History. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015.