Browsing: Timelines

This category includes chronological timelines for key topics in history.

A Brief History This article presents a video timeline for students of Ancient and Medieval World History (History 11050) at Kent State University at Stark.  You can click on any of the dates below to be taken to a video covering that date’s event to learn more.  Please feel welcome to post a comment using YouTube’s commenting system on any video you click on to let us know your thoughts about that historic event.  To my students, commenting on these videos is entirely optional and doing so is not worth any points toward your course grade. Digging Deeper I.  Introduction…

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A Brief History This article presents a video timeline for students of American History after the Civil War (History 213 – Online) at Ashland University.  You can click on any of the dates below to be taken to a video covering that date’s event to learn more.  Please feel welcome to post a comment using YouTube’s commenting system on any video you click on to let us know your thoughts about that historic event.  To my students, commenting on these videos is entirely optional and doing so is not worth any points toward your course grade. Digging Deeper Welcome to…

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A Brief History This article presents a video timeline for students of Western Civilization (History 113) at Ashland University. For each date below, please click on the date to be taken to a video covering that date’s event.  After watching that video, please write a one or two sentence comment that demonstrates that you watched the video. These comments or “thesis statements” are 1-2 sentence summaries of the video. They should include the most important aspects of each video. In other words, the thesis statement should include the individuals involved, the time period, and significance of the event. For example,…

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A Brief History This article presents a timeline of Ancient Greek history and mythology and provides links to more detailed articles about the below listed topics from this site!  Please click on the dates to learn more. Digging Deeper On an unknown date, about the mid 2nd Millennium BC, the ancient world was rocked by one of the largest volcanic eruptions and explosions in Human history. Allegedly, around 1250 BC, Heracles completed his “12 labors” by freeing Theseus from the “Chair of Forgetfulness” in the Underworld. On April 24, 1184 B.C., at least according to traditionalists, the city of Troy…

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A Brief History This article presents a timeline of The Dark Ages! Prologue On September 28, 235, Pope Pontian became the first pope to resign his office, only to live out his days exiled to the mines of Sardinia! On September 25th, Catholics remember the death of Spanish Saint Fermin, the first bishop of Pamplona, in 303 A.D…and the miracles that followed! On October 27, 312, the night before the Battle of Milvian Bridge against the Roman Emperor Maxentius, the Emperor Constantine the Great adopted as his motto the Greek phrase “ἐν τούτῳ νίκα” after having a vision of a…

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