A Brief History This article presents A Timeline of European History since 1648 (History 1112) at Columbus State Community College. For each date below, please click on the date to be taken to an article covering that date’s event. Digging Deeper I. Introduction On April 26, 1336, famed Italian scholar and poet Francesco Petrarca (better known as Petrarch) ascended Mont Ventoux, a mountain in the Provence region of southern France. On October 8, 1480, Ivan III, Grand Prince of Moscow, stood up to the Tatars led by Akhmat Khan of the Great Horde, the successor to the “Golden Horde,” in…
Browsing: Timelines
This category includes chronological timelines for key topics in history.
A Brief History This article presents a timeline for students of A Timeline of European History to 1648 (History 1111) at Columbus State Community College. For each date below, please click on the date to be taken to an article covering that date’s event. Digging Deeper I. Introduction On October 3, 2012, a National Geographic explorer announced the discovery of a new species of dinosaur, one with vampire-like fangs! On February 7, 2014, scientists in England verified that footprints found in an uncovered sediment layer in Happisburgh, Norfolk were of human, or “hominid” origin and dated back about 900,000 years.…
A Brief History In 1987, after being petitioned by the National Women’s History Project, the Congress of the United States of America passed a resolution which designated the month of March as Women’s History Month. As with Black History Month, which also originated in the United States, Women’s History Month has continued to be celebrated ever since it began and has similarly spread to various other countries around the world. Digging Deeper Below is a video timeline/playlist of women’s history: As we have seen in our timeline of women’s history, women have played many fascinating and critical roles in the story of…
A Brief History This article presents a timeline of American history through the Civil War for History 212 Online. Please click on any of the dates to learn more about that date’s events and please post a comment using the Disqus commenting system on any article you click on to let us know your thoughts about that historic event. Digging Deeper Module 1: Introduction, Jamestown, and Puritans On October 10, 1492, the famous first voyage of Christopher Columbus and his small fleet of three ships almost came to an end right at the point of “discovering” the New World. On October 12,…
A Brief History This article presents a video timeline for students of American History through the Civil War (History 212 – Online) at Ashland University. For each date below, please click on the date to be taken to a video covering that date’s event. After watching that video, please post a one or two sentence comment in the comments section for the video that demonstrates that you watched the video. These comments or “thesis statements” are 1-2 sentence summaries of the video. They should include the most important aspects of each video. In other words, the thesis statement should include…