Browsing: March 27

A Brief History On March 27, 1999, Lieutenant Colonel Dale Zelko of the US Air Force became the first pilot of a stealth fighter or bomber ever shot down, in fact, the only time a warplane with stealth capabilities has been shot down. Digging Deeper While flying a Lockheed F-117A Nighthawk on a bombing mission over Yugolslavia, Zelko had the misfortune of having his supposedly undetectable light bomber detected by supposedly obsolete radar systems and shot down when the Yugoslav air defense crews fired a battery of anti-aircraft missiles (probably about 5) at his plane, one of which exploded near…

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A Brief History On March 27, 1975, work began on the construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System.  More than just an 800 mile 48 inch diameter pipe, the vast system includes 11 pumping stations and hundreds of miles of smaller pipes that feed the big pipe.  The US has undertaken many great construction projects, and here we list 10 of them. Digging Deeper 10. Trans-Alaska Pipeline System. Overcoming objections by environmentalists and working in the frozen north presented quite a task.  Cracked fact: Native Americans had mined crude oil from peat soaked in oil for hundreds of years on Alaska’s…

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A Brief History On March 27, 1915, the woman history has come to know as Typhoid Mary was placed into involuntary quarantine for the rest of her life!  It seems long before the “corona virus” pandemic of 2020, humans have been dealing with rampant diseases, plagues, epidemics and pandemics throughout history.  One of the most notorious cases concerned a deadly disease, Typhoid Fever, and a woman known as “Typhoid Mary.” Digging Deeper Mary Mallon was born in Ireland and moved to the US at age 15.  She moved from job to job, mostly working as a cook and everywhere she…

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A Brief History On March 27, 1998, the little blue pill known as Viagra was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States, giving aphrodisiacs such as “Spanish Flies” a run for their money.  This prescription drug to defeat male impotence quickly went mainstream and, along with the other erectile dysfunction drugs Cialis and Levitra, remains a hot commodity to this day.  Thanks to pharmacology, all these newly virile men can take their restored vitality to their local strip clubs and admire the beautiful dancers with confidence.  While there, they can reflect on the music being…

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