A Brief History This article presents a chronological list of notable events that happened on June 14th. For each date below, please click on the date to be taken to an article covering that date’s event. Digging Deeper On June 14, 1789, the Rev. Elijah Craig first distilled whiskey from maize (corn). On June 14, 1900, the United States expanded by officially adding the territory of Hawaii to its growing empire. On June 14, 1954, Flag Day that year, President Eisenhower signed a joint resolution of Congress amending the 1942 Flag Code, adding the words “under God” to the Pledge of Allegiance. On June…
Browsing: June 14
A Brief History On June 14, 1962, the European Space Research Organisation was founded in Paris, later to become the European Space Agency, now with 22 member countries. While most focus is on the US and the Soviet/Russian space programs vis a vis the “Space Race,” other nations have joined in the endeavor to explore and exploit space. Digging Deeper As of April of 2023, only Russia, the US, and China have launched humans into space via their own vehicles, while the American private firm, SpaceX has joined the human space travel club. Along with Russia, the US, and China,…
A Brief History On June 14, 1900, the United States expanded by officially adding the territory of Hawaii to its growing empire. The Pacific region became an American area of interest during the Spanish-American War in 1898, with the US adding the islands of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines to its territory. Today we take a look at some places we would like to see become American someday, just as Hawaii (which I have visited and believe is truly paradise) was added over a century ago. What country or territory would you add to this list? (OK, Donald Trump,…
A Brief History On June 14, 2019, the 4th movie in the Men in Black film series will be released across the United States, and luckily, we had the chance to preview the film ahead of time. We expected a lot from the new movie, since we loved the previous editions, especially the chemistry between Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith. We were not disappointed! The new stars worked great together, and the special effects and aliens were everything we had expected and more. Digging Deeper Starring Chris Hemsworth as Agent H, the uber agent of the MIB team…
A Brief History On June 14, 1986, the Mindbender, the world’s largest indoor triple-loop roller coaster, derailed and killed three riders at Galaxyland inside West Edmonton Mall, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Today we list 9 horrible accidents that occurred when people were trying to have a good time. Amusement parks, sailing/boating, cycling, hiking, bowling, jogging, sightseeing, just about any recreational activity can be deadly. Digging Deeper 1. Mindbender Derailment, 1986. The accident occurred just a few months after the ride’s opening on March 16, 1986. On a Saturday evening in June of that same year, the roller coaster’s yellow train…