Browsing: The Bizarre

A Brief History On January 11, 1960, by killing his own mother, serial murderer Henry Lee Lucas committed his first known murder of 3,000 he later confessed to! Digging Deeper Digging deeper, we find drifter and loser Henry Lee Lucas leading a life of crime that he blamed on his miserable childhood. Lucas’ father had died young leaving a bizarre, abusive wife to raise the kids.  Lucas’ mother once shot a mule that had been a gift to Lucas and also severely beat him for accepting a teddy bear from a school teacher when he was a boy.  (Apparently, he was not allowed to accept…

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A Brief History On January 8, 1981, a close encounter with a UFO left actual physical evidence! Digging Deeper Digging deeper, we find what Popular Mechanic’s magazine (May 2001) called “…the most completely and carefully documented sighting of all time.” A French farmer working outside on his farm near Trans-en-Provence, France was alerted by a loud whistling noise and watched in amazement as a UFO landed on his field about 150 feet away.  He later described the UFO as looking like two saucers on top of each other and being a bit over 2 meters in diameter. The farmer reported the…

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A Brief History On January 7, 1948, a Kentucky Air National Guard pilot met his death trying to intercept a UFO! Digging Deeper Digging deeper, we find another well documented close encounter, this time of the deadly kind. Captain Tom Mantell flying his P-51 Mustang was a World War II veteran, not a civilian or some rookie.  Mantell and 3 other Mustang pilots were directed to intercept a huge round white object, perhaps a football field across!  Multiple witnesses from spots in Ohio and Kentucky, including a sergeant at the Fort Knox control tower and members of the Kentucky Highway…

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A Brief History On January 5, 2000, witnesses, of whom  at least 5 were police officers, observed a triangular UFO over the American state of Illinois. Digging Deeper Digging deeper, we find an incident where witnesses from several different cities reported the same thing, a huge black triangle shaped UFO flying at low altitude. Among the many witnesses were 5 police officers from various jurisdictions.  Although many readers may think that the police are not any more truthful than other people, consider how important it is to the officer that other people do not consider him a nut of some…

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A Brief History On January 4, 1903, Thomas Edison’s company filmed the execution of Topsy the Elephant, the largest purported casualty in the “War of the Currents”!  The big argument over whether to use alternating current as championed by Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse or direct current as championed by Thomas Edison had already been decided in favor of alternating current  a decade before Topsy became an afterthought and legend of the Current Wars. Digging Deeper Digging deeper, we find Edison, the most prolific inventor of all time (electric light, phonograph, motion pictures, etc.) had been engaged in a bitter struggle with rival…

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