Author: David Wardle

A Brief History Extra! Extra! Read all about it! 2 Deaths linked to Superbug! Comet Lovejoy visible over United States! Digging Deeper Headlines, articles, newspapers, magazines, books, journals, letters, texts, emails and blogs, we are bombarded with information. Our world society values the exchange of ideas, facts, fictions, beliefs and questions. Welcome to the information age. The exchange of information is important in our global society. Most people have access to a device that can singlehandedly access most of all recorded human information in seconds. A byproduct of information is the distribution of knowledge. Knowledge, by its nature, requires reflection…

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A Brief History Quick! Give me the top ten things that could destroy your planet. Quick! Give me your top ten favorite foods. Admit it, you started to make a list. Top ten lists are extremely popular and permeate our media. How could we not come to adore them? There are top ten lists of Do It Yourself renovations, foods and apocalyptic countdowns on the television, the radio and the internet. Top ten lists are everywhere, we can no longer turn on a television without surfing past a top ten something. Our culture is fascinated by them. History and Headlines — A…

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