A Brief History
On August 26, 2019, we take a look at the crowded Democratic field of those aspiring to earn the nomination of their party for the office of President of the United States. While a few have already made the obvious choice to drop out of the race, over 20 candidates still remain, many of which are going to be excluded from the next (third) Democratic televised debate unless they meet arbitrary criteria (naming only certain polls that “count” when determining who is invited to the debate) set by the Democratic National Committee. In danger of not “qualifying” for the next debate (September 12 and 13, 2019, to be held in Texas) is US Representative Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, a person we think is vital when considering Democrats for possible nomination to run for President. Below we list some reasons why we believe she is uniquely qualified and appropriate for that office. (Note: We have no political affiliation or relationship with any candidate or party.)
Digging Deeper
Her Age.

While easily meeting the requirement that a US President must be at least 35 years old (she is 38), Gabbard is at her peak of intellectual capabilities, while many of the others competing to become the next President are elderly persons seemingly well past their prime. This includes our current President, Donald Trump (73), as well as the leading Democratic candidates, Joe Biden (76), Bernie Sanders (77), and Elizabeth Warren (70). The mistakes and slips made by these elderly politicians kind of scares us, to be honest. Younger Presidents such as Teddy Roosevelt, John Kennedy, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush worked long hours and energetically pursued the duties of their office, while our oldest Presidents, Reagan and Trump, infamously spend excessive amounts of time sleeping and lounging, not something our country needs in these perilous times.
Her Personal Identity.

You may have noticed, Tulsi Gabbard is a woman, and now is as good a time as any to get a woman’s perspective in the White House. She is also a practicing Hindu, and would be the first non-Christian to occupy the Presidential mansion, an inspiration to Americans of non-Christian heritage. Ethnically she is of Samoan and European heritage, and would become the first person of non-European or African ethnic heritage to hold the high office of President, again, giving inspiration to millions of non-Western Americans. She is diversity personified! (Note: Elizabeth Warren’s claim of Native American ancestry is somewhere, maybe, in the 1/1000th range if at all and is highly suspect.)
Her Military Experience.

Few of the current candidates for President have military experience, and some of them either sought or were awarded deferments from being drafted, including Trump, Biden and Sanders. On the other hand, Tulsi Gabbard is a Major in the Hawaii Army National Guard, and has served a year in an Iraq war zone, earning a Combat Medical Badge and a Meritorious Service Medal among other awards and medals.
Political Experience.

She has served on the Honolulu City Council and the Hawaii House of Representatives as well as in the US House of Representatives, so she does have a working, practical knowledge of how the government works. She is also charismatic and sharp enough to have been appointed as Vice Chairman of the Democratic National Committee.
No Scandals or Embarrassing Behavior.

Elizabeth Warren has the unfortunate history of claiming Native American heritage on her college and work applications, though she says this was not to seek preferential admission or hiring! BS! She marked Native American as her primary heritage, and that is just false, an obvious scam. Warren also stirs up racial animosity by continuing to reference Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri as the victim of a “murder” with the added “Hands up don’t shoot” line. Brown was proven to have been shot by a police officer in self defense and was proven to not have had his hands up. Witnesses retracted that claim while under oath. Warren perpetrates this false narrative that undermines our police and hurts race relations, for her own benefit. Kamala Harris engaged in an affair with her married boss while working as a DA in California, a shameful stunt perhaps motivated by ambition and in any case, a home-wrecker. (She is now 54 years old, the man involved is now 85.) Harris was also a hard liner on sentencing drug offenders, including marijuana offenders, while she served as a Prosecutor and as Attorney General of California, although she has admitted and laughed about being a marijuana user herself! Hypocrite!
Her platform is in line with most Democrats without being fringe.

Gabbard supports the standard Democratic platform, such as freedom of choice (abortion) and expanded health care for all Americans, as well as environmental protection, avoiding foreign wars, reestablishing good relations with our allies, humane treatment of immigrants although her immigration stance is quite moderate, with some agreement with limitations put forth by Republicans. In other areas (unfortunately in our estimate) she has supported increased gun control measures, though she is generally less aggressive in this respect than many Democrats, and has expressed at least some support for the topic of racial reparations for America’s slavery period. None of her stances are extreme. She also supports decriminalization of sex industry workers (prostitutes). Her support of free college education at local community colleges and State sponsored universities is something we also support 100%. Unlike other Democratic candidates, Gabbard was willing to go on record as condemning ANTIFA and their violent tendencies.
Net Neutrality.

Boy is this a big deal to us! Our current crop of corrupt creeps in office have allowed the internet to become perverted by favoring those sites that can afford to pay for higher search engine listings. We strongly agree with Tulsi Gabbard that the internet is no place for buying influence and should be neutral, with search results based on normal user driven algorithms.
Gabbard is Athletic and into Martial Arts

Tulsi Gabbard has a lifelong commitment to personal health and fitness, and has been involved in martial arts as well as surfing. Her physical health habits imply a certain level of discipline and ability to endure long and stressful hours as President.
Question for students (and subscribers): Do you think the Democratic Party absolutely needs Tulsi Gabbard at the next debate? Why or why not? Please let us know in the comments section below this article.
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Historical Evidence
For more information, please see…
Finn, Jens. Tulsi Gabbard Versus Google: How the Democratic Presidential Candidate from Hawaii Took on the Internet Search Giant. Amazon Digital Services, 2019.
Gabbard, Tulsi. Is Today the Day? Twelve, 2021.
Resistance Publishing. Tulsi Gabbard: Why I Fight: A Soldier in Politics. Amazon Digital Services, 2019.
The featured image in this article, a photograph by Waikiki Natatorium from Honolulu, HI, USA of keynote speaker Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, at the Memorial Day Service at the Waikiki War Memorial Natatorium, May 24, 2015, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license. This image was originally posted to Flickr by Waikiki Natatorium at https://flickr.com/photos/25209308@N08/17440143594. It was reviewed on by FlickreviewR 2 and was confirmed to be licensed under the terms of the cc-by-2.0.