A Brief History Internet backyard fighting sensation Kimbo Slice has been reported to have died at age 42 on June 6, 2016.  Slice was taken to his local hospital earlier today where he expired a short time later of an undisclosed condition.  Slice, born Kevin Ferguson in 1974 in The Bahamas grew up in Florida where he starred as a high school football player, good enough to get scholarship offers and ultimately a tryout with the Miami Dolphins. Digging Deeper Massively muscular and intimidating in appearance, Slice worked as a bouncer and bodyguard/driver before gaining fame as a backyard fighter…

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A Brief History On June 7, 1991, a sleepy volcano on the Philippine island of Luzon experienced an explosion that sent an ash cloud 4.3 miles high.  After months of activity indicating an eruption was imminent, the first eruption started on June 3, but the first big explosion with magma flow happened on June 7. Digging Deeper By this time, authorities had been evacuating the population for several miles around the volcano, increasing the area evacuated twice to a radius of about 25 miles.  Many residents had started leaving of their own accord prior to official evacuations.  (About 350,000 people…

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A Brief History On June 7, 1942, the Battle of Midway ended, changing the balance of power in the Pacific.  Afterwards, the Japanese were on the defensive and the allies (mostly Americans) were on the offensive for the rest of the war.  The US Navy has won many great victories, and here we list 10 that we think are among the greatest.  (Note: Army-Navy football games do not count!) Digging Deeper 10. Navy 24- Army 0, 1890. Okay, we lied.  The first Army-Navy football game does count, at least it does to the US Navy!  Winning the first game in…

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A Brief History Commonly referred to as the best all around player in the NBA, Lebron James is proud of his hometown of Akron, Ohio and is widely known as a product of the Rubber City.  What you may not know, is that his arch nemesis of the past two seasons, the Golden State Warriors’ Stephen Curry is also from Akron, born 3 years after James in the same hospital!  The two players have so many records and accolades we cannot even include them all here. Digging Deeper The Warriors beat an injury riddled Cleveland Cavaliers team for the 2014-2015…

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A Brief History Presumptive Republican nominee for President, Donald Trump, has made a campaign out of tough talk, telling us how he would bully foreign countries into doing his bidding and how foreign leaders would cower before him, as opposed to his opponents and the current President whom he considers a “wimp.” Digging Deeper Trump trumpets (what else would he do?) his intention of making the US military stronger and the best in the world, apparently oblivious to the fact that the US military is already by far the strongest and best in the world, with a budget that eclipses…

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