A Brief History
On June 22, 2017, and on every June 22, you (only applies if you are a guy) are commanded to celebrate National Stupid Guy Thing Day. We apparently have idiotic “holidays” such as Sweetest Day, Valentine’s Day, Take Your Kid to Work Day and no end of goofy days. Thank goodness we have today to celebrate the “stupid” (stupid is in the eye of the beholder, and with guys, sometimes it really is in the eye!) things guys do or allegedly do that somebody thinks women and girls do not (normally) do.
Digging Deeper
Unfortunately, I could find no history of this day, no origin story, no inventor, no date, just a million references that June 22 is THE DAY. Thus, we will simply spring forward and start listing some of the “stupid” things guys do, so get ready to celebrate.
Guys don’t ask directions, so stop telling us to stop and ask. 99% of the time the directions we get are wrong, anyway. GPS has largely made this one obsolete, so celebrate while you can.
Guys leave the toilet seat up. So? You could put it down if you want, forcing us to have to pick it up. What’s fair? Men do ALL the work? Baloney! Quit crying and look before you sit down, we don’t want to hear your sob story about plopping into the drink.
Guys sometimes have an unfortunate compulsion to out-stupid each other. Ever hear a guy say, “Hey fellas, watch this!” right before the guy dies?
Guys don’t complain incessantly about the female driving the car they are in. That is because they are praying!
Guys do not give one little darn if their jeans make them look fat.
Guys are capable of going to the bathroom without the other guys coming along.
Most guys die before their wives. Why? Because they want to!
Guys know things. Like the difference between a Fox and a Dog is about a six pack. Like making a bed is a waste of time since you’re just going to sleep in it again tonight…
Guys don’t call their wife or girlfriend in tears because their car got a flat tire.
Obviously, this list could go on for days. We will think about adding to it next year. Question for students (and subscribers): Feel free to share your Stupid Guy Things with your fellow readers in the comments section below this article.
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Historical Evidence
For more information, please see…
Schlessinger, Laura. Ten Stupid Things Men Do to Mess Up Their Lives. Harper Perennial, 2002.