A Brief History
On August 29, 1728, the city of Nuuk, Greenland was founded. Kind of an odd name, Nuuk is only one of many cities or places with odd or downright goofy names. Today, we ask you, what is the goofiest name you know of for any city, town, or village?
Digging Deeper
Here we list some of the contenders, but feel free to nominate your own choice:
Hot Coffee, Mississippi
Bugtussle, Kentucky
Santa Claus, Indiana
Two Egg, Florida
No Name, Colorado
Why, Arizona
Whynot, North Carolina
Screamer, Alabama
Worms, Germany
Intercourse, Pennsylvania
Truth or Consequences, New Mexico
Placentia, California
Dinosaur, Colorado
Cut and Shoot, Texas
Uncertain, Texas
My Large Intestine, Texas
Atomic City, Idaho
Okay, Oklahoma
Climax, Michigan
Three Way, Tennessee
Condom, France
Hygiene, Colorado
Coward, South Carolina
Oblong, Illinois
Beer Bottle Crossing, Idaho
Dinkytown, Minnesota
Fart, Virginia
Fleatown, Ohio
Gogogogo, Madagascar
Happy Adventure, Newfoundland and Labrador
Happyland, Connecticut
Hell, Michigan
Humpty Doo, Northern Territory, Australia
Looneyville, Texas
Lost, Scotland
Peculiar, Missouri
Punkeydoodles Corners, Ontario
Sweet Lips, Tennessee
Zig Zag, Oregon
Question for students (and subscribers): So, tell us, what place do you think has the funniest name? Please let us know in the comments section below this article.
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Historical Evidence
For more information, please see…
Gallant, Frank. A Place Called Peculiar: Stories About Unusual American Place-Names. Dover; Green ed, 2012.
Stein, J. Really Rude Place Names: Blank Lined Journal Coworker Notebook. Independently published, 2019.
The featured image in this article, a map by Makemake of the western settlement of the Vikings on Greenland, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
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