A Brief History
On August 19, 2019, as the Summer season nears it end, so too ends one of the most popular months for camping. When the word camping comes to mind, we feel excited and eagerly look forward to our latest outdoor adventure . Camping means spending days and nights in a more natural setting than that offered by any traditional home. Camping usually means setting up a tent as your “home” base, although sleeping under the stars or using a recreational vehicle or a trailer can also be used to enjoy being closer to nature. Camping provides enjoyment, relaxation and sometimes a learning experience for the campers. The world is full of potential camping spots, and every country has many places for campers to set up camp, ranging from remote to areas quite close to civilization. Today we will discuss some of the most truly enjoyable places in the world to camp.
Digging Deeper
Simien Mountains

Talk about exotic locations, these mountains are situated in the middle of the Amhara Region of Ethiopia, East Africa. Lake Tana offers the life giving water that keeps the 3672 square kilometer area green, and provides beauty and recreation. Flowing through the region is the Blue Nile, which provides the main source of fresh water in the region and is used as a port by the government and a transportation hub as well as for irrigation and recreation. The Simien (alternatively spelled Semien) mountains have unique and historic value and are home to wildlife that includes baboons and wolves! Other wildlife include caracal cats and Ibex. The mountains are oddly shaped like inverted teardrops, and soar as high as 4550 meters. These mountains are a famous destination for camping. The historical city of Gondar is also located within this range, a city once was the capital of the Ethiopian Empire. Near these mountains a forest and park are also available for recreation. We can enthusiastically say this is one of the best places for camping.
Lost Coast

Located in the King Range of the Northern coast of California Lost Coast is one of the most rugged and remote parts of the California coast. Named “Lost Coast” because of the population depletion of the 1930’s, the area provides jaw dropping views of rock and ocean, including rough water to challenge the hardiest of swimmers. Not for the weak of heart or body, the Lost Coast is for the true outdoors enthusiast that enjoys “roughing it.” If you have the lust for nature and the outdoors that only a stark and remote location can provide, the Lost Coast is sure to provide the camping experience you are looking for. Study the waves and enjoy watching the ocean, but carefully avoid unexpected “snooker waves” and enter the water only with extreme respect for the power of the ocean. Stark and rugged rocks make exiting the ocean difficult if not impossible if you get carried away by a current from the place you entered the water, so be careful! With or without any water sports, the scenery and surroundings make the camping worthwhile.
Zion National Park

Zion National park is one of the most famous and loved parks in USA. It is situated in the southwestern area of Utah, and is spread over an area of 229 sauare mile, with Zion Canyon stretching 24 kilometers long and over 800 meters deep. Elevations in the park range from a low of 1117 meters to 2660 meters, with mountainous and rugged terrain. Zion National Park is certainly one of the best place in the USA for camping. The mountains, greenery and flow of water make for a visually striking panorama for the camper to enjoy. Zion National Park is absolutely a top consideration when planning a family camping trip. When planning your family camping trip, do not forget to visit this travel blog to check out some of the best ideas for camping and good places visit. Be sure to shop for the best tents available, which will make your camping easier and more enjoyable. Camping offers so much in the way of getting back to nature and relaxing as well as educational opportunities that we recommend it for anybody that is physically capable of going back to nature!
Yellowstone National Park

While you are out West at Zion National Park, remember that the first US National Park, Yellowstone, perhaps the first national park in the world. Full of natural wonders such as geysers and hot springs, this mountainous park is home to the largest wild Bison herd in the country, as well as a treasure trove of other large animals such as bears, wolves, elk, deer and moose. A caution to campers is appropriate here: DO NOT feed the bears!

For our most adventurous readers we also recommend Alaska as a camping destination. Unmatched fishing opportunities as well as hunting and being able to observe the world’s largest bears (The Alaska Brown Bear, a form of Grizzly Bear), you have an enormous area to choose from, including hundreds of islands as well as the mainland. For those interested in an Arctic adventure, Alaska is our Northernmost state and campers can experience the tundra of the North Slope. Nowhere else in the US could Americans observe wild Polar Bears, Caribou and Musk Oxen. Campers near the shore can even engage in whale watching! As Alaska is bigger than the next 3 largest states combined (Texas, California and Montana) it offers an incredible array of camping opportunities, from highly civilized RV parks with all the amenities, to primitive survivalist conditions in the wilderness. Consult a site such as http://www.campgroundsalaska.com/ to start your search for the campground right for you.
Question for students (and subscribers): Have you ever camped at a historic site? Please let us know in the comments section below this article.
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Historical Evidence
For more information, please see…
Young, Terence. Heading Out: A History of American Camping. Cornell University Press, 2017.
The featured image in this article, a photograph by Koppertone (Justin Kopp) of camping by Barriere Lake, Barriere, British Columbia, Canada, has been released into the public domain worldwide by the copyright holder of this work.