Browsing: Business and Economics

A Brief History Today, everyone dreams of being stable and safe enough to make big decisions without worrying or stressing over the outcomes of it financially; it takes a lot of dedication and smart habits to achieve this level of freedom. Millions of people worldwide struggle to reach this point because they failed to attain certain healthy habits or plans, so it is important to learn about the different methods of achieving financial freedom. Digging Deeper What does it mean? It means you own your finances, having a cash flow that makes you live comfortably and make any decision you…

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A Brief History Since the end of the twentieth century, the digitization of information has brought forth a new wave of innovation in healthcare research and services. Big data in healthcare is generated from a vast multitude of sources: medical imaging, electronic health records, payer records, wearable and medical devices, pharmaceutical research, clinical trials, and genomic sequencing — just to name a few. The integration of big data in healthcare has opened up new research horizons for rare diseases and cancer. And as hospitals and clinics have begun to adopt new technologies driven by big data, they have been able…

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A Brief History On November 23, 1948, one of major league baseball’s greatest hitters and onetime highest paid player in the National League died penniless, and no one, not even his own son, would claim the body. Hack Wilson played for the Giants, Cubs, Dodgers and Phillies, but his heyday was with the Cubs.  We told Wilson’s story in our article “Onetime Highest Paid Player in National League Dies Penniless” and today we discuss 5 such stellar professional or famous athletes that lost their fortunes and ended up in financial straits. Digging Deeper Evander Holyfield, Heavyweight and Cruiserweight Boxing Champion.…

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A Brief History In 17 BC, The Roman Lex Julia, Lex Iulia de Adulteriis Coercendis, punished adultery with banishment.  Have you ever become concerned that your partner may be flirting with someone else or cheating on you? If so, you are not alone, as many people have these feelings. Sometimes, this is all down to unnecessary anxiety and insecurities; however, sometimes, there may be signs that your instincts are right about there being something going in. One sign that often indicates a partner may be cheating is if they suddenly start to receive more phone calls and messages. This in itself is…

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A Brief History In 1958, the term information technology in its modern sense first appeared in an article published in the Harvard Business Review; authors Harold J. Leavitt and Thomas L. Whisler commented that “the new technology does not yet have a single established name. We shall call it information technology (IT).”  Professional IT services play an important role in the day-to-day operations of any business or medium. They help ensure the smooth functioning of all technology platforms, programs, and channels. The role that such services play in online assessments is especially crucial. IT professionals are responsible for many aspects in…

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