Browsing: Travel

A Brief History On December 4, 1829, the British Governor-General Lord William Bentinck, representative of the King of the United Kingdom in India, made a ruling that was vehemently opposed by local Indian people (presumably men) that made the traditional practice of suttee (also known as sati) illegal.  This practice being outlawed was a time honored Indian tradition of a widow sits or lays on top of the funeral pyre of her husband, sacrificing herself by being incinerated along with the body of her deceased spouse.  Suttee was a traditional practice in the Bengal region of India and had no…

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A Brief History On December 1, 1768, the Danish ship Fredensborg sank in a storm off the coast of Norway on her return trip from a death filled delivery of slaves to St. Croix in the Caribbean.  Previously we reported on “10 Infamous Ships”  and today we list “10 More Infamous Ships” that either served an evil purpose or were particularly unlucky, and are remembered today with less than fond memories.  As always, we invite our readers to add those nominees they think belong on such a list.  (Note: the RMS Titanic and SS Edmund Fitzgerald are TOO obvious!) Digging…

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A Brief History Even today in 2019, it is a truism that history is written by the victors. In other words, the official contemporary histories of any nation are usually recorded or commissioned by those in power at that particular time – meaning that in some cases, a narrative is established and cemented which might be inaccurate and tricky for future generations to interrogate; however, the flipside of this phenomenon is our fascination with hidden histories – those untold stories of people, events and cultures that never made the historical headlines, but bubble away brilliantly under the surface of any…

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A Brief History Today, surfing is regarded by many sports enthusiasts and hip people as one of the coolest sports to ever exist.  While the exact date of the origin of surfing has not been determined, the first documented sighting was by Europeans back in 1767. Researchers believe that its roots show in the Polynesian culture thousands of years ago. Surfing in its days of origin was held in high regard, as the leader or chief of the tribe was believed to be the one who had the best surfing abilities. The European sighting of surfing in Hawaii has astonished…

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A Brief History On November 28, 2019, Americans will celebrate Thanksgiving, a holiday about being thankful for everything, and it should be celebrated in a good way. To celebrate Thanksgiving uniquely, one needs to go extra mile to spice up the Thanksgiving celebration. One of the few ways to spice up Thanksgiving celebration is to travel to a new place. Although this may be expensive and stressful it will definitely worth it at the end of the day. Finding the perfect location for Thanksgiving celebration could be stressful because one may not be certain about what to expect in the…

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