Browsing: Food

A Brief History On January 24, 2023, Americans celebrate National Peanut Butter Day, a day when we can savor the flavor of our favorite bread spread that lends itself to making cookies, pies, candies, and other foodstuffs.  Who do we have to thank for this wonderful food? Digging Deeper It may surprise you that George Washington Carver did not invent peanut butter, since he was such an influential proponent of the “Goober Pea” and is often erroneously given credit for this particular advance in eating pleasure. The ancient Aztecs and Incas made a form of peanut butter about 1000 BC,…

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A Brief History On July 12, 2022, we acknowledge that we finally got around to trying the gourmet coffee offered by Coffee Brand Coffee.  As someone who drinks at least a pot of coffee each day, coffee is an incredibly important part of my life.  After growing up drinking coffee with cream and sugar, and then with only cream, the quality of the coffee was masked and did not matter so much.  After switching to drinking black coffee, a whole new world of discerning the quality of the coffee was discovered and became a critical part of my choice of…

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A Brief History On July 5, 1946, the bikini swimsuit went on sale after being debuted at the Molitor Pool of Paris, France.  Ever since, continued developments in this fashion icon have kept the interest of men over most of the globe, and provided Sports Illustrated Magazine with an annual blockbuster issue.  Here we list 10 more of our (subjective) favorite 20th Century inventions, a sequel list to our prior article on this subject. Digging Deeper 1. Digital Camera and Video, 1959 We can thank Mohamed M. Atalla and Dawon Kahng at Bell Labs for this marvelous invention, dating back…

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A Brief History On October 2, 1919, First Lady of the United States (U.S.), Edith Wilson, the wife of President Woodrow Wilson, unofficially ran the U.S. government following her husband’s (then President Woodrow Wilson’s) life-changing stroke.  We detailed this story back in 2013, and we previously have discussed the concept of “October Surprise” in an article we ran on October 31, 2014.  Today we use the concept of “October Surprise” and secret goings on to tell you about some surprising secret ingredients of products you may not have suspected contain such things. Digging Deeper Whale Oil was in our automatic…

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A Brief History On July 31, 1970, the British Royal Navy experienced one of the darkest days in their long and glorious history, Black Tot Day.  This episode was the last day the Royal Navy would follow the long tradition of supplying a daily drink of rum to their sailors.  We first brought up this terrible turn of events in our article “10 Traditional Parts of Life That No Longer Exist (Or Barely!)”  We have also touched on other articles that marveled at the things we did not have when this author was a lad, some of which may surprise…

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