Browsing: July 25

A Brief History On July 25, 2017, we celebrate National Hot Fudge Sundae Day.  This tasty treat with (usually) vanilla ice cream covered in hot fudge may or may not be embellished with whipped cream, and/or nuts, and/or a cherry on top.  Plus, you can shake things up by trying a different flavor of ice cream.  Today we list 10 Favorite Frozen Treats (either our favorites or the most popular in the country). Digging Deeper 1. Hot Fudge Sundae. So darn good it gets its own holiday every July 25th.  Probably the favorite type of sundae in the US, you can…

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A Brief History On July 25, 2016, the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is set to begin, culminating in the nomination of Hillary Clinton as the Democratic Nominee for President, the first major party female nominee for President in the history of the United States.  According to NBC News and The Daily Dot, this historic occasion is set to be marked by a “Fart In” protest by supporters of Bernie Sanders, the man Clinton beat for the nomination in a contentious primary and caucus process with charges leveled by Sanders that the DNC had sabotaged his run for the nomination in favor…

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A Brief History On July 25, 1915, the somewhat appropriately named Lanoe Hawker became the first British aviator to shoot down 3 enemy planes in 1 day, earning himself the Victoria Cross.  Hawker went on to become the first “Ace” in British history, as a pilot that shoots down at least 5 enemy aircraft.  His total of 7 victories seems modest, but his career was shortened by being himself shot down and killed by the dreaded Red Baron, Manfred von Richthofen in 1916. Digging Deeper Not just an “ace” fighter pilot, Hawker was also an innovator that experimented with various…

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A Brief History On this day, July 25, 2014, Universal Pictures releases Lucy in theaters in the United States of America.  The film stars 29-year-old superstar Scarlett Johansson in the titular role.  Here is the first edition of what could be an annual list of the current hottest young actresses gracing big and small screens alike.  For the purpose of this list, by “young”, I am including women who portrayed girls.  Also, as a 34-year-old myself, anyone who is younger than I am is considered “young” by me!  Moreover, by “hottest”, I do not necessarily mean “most attractive”.  Yes, these are all…

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A Brief History On July 25, 1969, President Nixon declared the “Nixon Doctrine,” stating that from this point on Asian countries were expected to defend themselves rather than rely on the US to defend them.  This policy began the pathetic process of “Vietnamization” of the Viet Nam War, turning over responsibility for the war to South Viet Nam.  Presidents have been declaring “doctrines” all the way back to James Monroe.  Here we list 10 of those presidential doctrines.  Whether or not they were/are a good idea is for you to decide.   Digging Deeper 10. Monroe. The original policy labeled a…

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