Browsing: July 13

A Brief History On July 13, 1863, New Yorkers angry about military conscription (draft) started 3 days of rioting that would go down in history as the worst US riot ever. Digging Deeper White New Yorkers, largely poor Irish immigrants, could not afford to buy their way out of the draft like rich people could.  Nor could they afford to pay someone else to take their place, and they cared little one way or another about the issue of African slavery.  African Americans were not subject to the draft, further inflaming rage against them. With the Emancipation Proclamation of January…

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A Brief History On July 13, 1923, the world famous “Hollywood” sign first loomed above Hollywood on the hills outside Los Angeles.  The sign originally read “Hollywoodland” but it was shortened in 1949 to a simple “Hollywood.”  Since then, the sign has become the symbol of Hollywood, unmistakable and iconic.  Back on March 31, 2014 we listed 10 Iconic Structures that Identify a City, and today we will do it again, with a sequel that will catch some of those iconic structures neglected last time.   Digging Deeper 10. Christ The Redeemer, Rio De Janiero. Towering 98 feet tall (and standing on…

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A Brief History On July 13, 2013, self-appointed community watchman George Zimmerman, an Hispanic-American, was found not guilty of having murdered 17-year-old African-American Trayvon Martin on February 26, 2012.  The case was closely watched across America and prompted strong racial tensions. Digging Deeper Because of Zimmerman’s outward appearance, the public assumed, with help from the media, that he was white.  He is white but also Hispanic and has some African background.  The media also falsely portrayed the video and audio recordings of the incident where Zimmerman observed and then shot to death the unarmed black teen.  The 911 call was altered…

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A Brief History Today, on July 13th, 2014, the 20th FIFA World Cup soccer championship game will be taking place between Germany and Argentina. Digging Deeper This international tournament for soccer, known as football to most of the world, takes place once every four years and is governed by the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) who also chooses the host. The current host is Brazil. Although soccer is relatively unpopular in the United States, in Europe and South America the World Cup is the equivalent of American football’s Super Bowl, baseball’s World Series and basketball’s NBA Championship finals combined.…

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