Author: Anonymous Author

"Anonymous Author" is used for articles in which the author requested anonymity or if an article was submitted to this site on behalf of an author without revealing that author's information.

A Brief History On September 17, 2020, the National Football League (NFL) celebrated its 100th birthday! Digging Deeper Ivy League Roots The NFL has not so humble beginnings as the first official football game as we know it took place in 1869 between Princeton and Rutgers. The rules were forged as a hybrid of soccer and rugby but it was not until a tremendous rugby player from Yale, Walter Camp, came along in the 1880s who crafted the early rules that we recognize today as American football. The first paid player came in the form of William “Pudge” Heffelfinger of…

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A Brief History On August 10, 2020, the people of the United States, notably those involved in the news media and those prospective Democratic or Independent voters that may or may not choose to give former Vice President Joe Biden the nod for President based on his judgement in choosing an appropriate Vice Presidential running mate, eagerly await Biden’s announcement about his choice for Vice President. Having already promised to choose a woman as his running mate, Biden has already demonstrated a disregard for choosing the “best available candidate” by eliminating all men from consideration.  With many suitable women available…

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A Brief History Cryptocurrencies have been around for over seven years. At this time, the value of virtual currency Bitcoin was fluctuating. Nowadays, the use of Bitcoin is increasing with each passing day. Online casinos have completely embraced this virtual currency. For security and smooth gambling, you can check out s128. A trustable platform is necessary to decrease the chances of identity theft. In the 2000s, the gambling and casino industry embraced digital technology. Along with convenience, the industry faces issue related to trust and transparency. It was a golden opportunity for crooked operators to dupe customers. In this world,…

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A Brief History At the hour of composing this article, Bitcoin is exchanging at a more significant expense than gold. This development opened up a ton of potential outcomes for me, as I as of now aggregate this advanced money and gold bullion in the market regularly. With the assistance of my experience, I picked up information and created techniques to utilize this digital currency and the influence of gold to construct a riches wheel. The accompanying tips are the strategies I use to gather bitcoin and gold bullion. Numerous programmers are attempting to break the wallets of online clients…

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A Brief History On October 31, 2008, a link to a paper authored by Satoshi Nakamoto titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” was posted to a cryptography mailing list.  Today, Bitcoin is autonomous of customary banking and, as indicated by some top online merchants, is viewed as the most mainstream computerized cash that depends on PC systems to illuminate complex math. Issues, for verification and to record the subtleties of each exchange performed. The Bitcoin conversion scale is not subject to the national bank and is not the main power that administers the conveyance of digital currency. Be that…

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