Browsing: April 14

A Brief History On April 14, 1775, Benjamin Franklin, inventor, statesman, scientist, musician, publisher and Most Interesting Man in the World co-founded the first Abolitionist society in what would soon become the United States, an event we used to name him as The Most Interesting Man in the World. The task for us today is to nominate several men for the current title of Most Interesting Man in the World. (We will address women at another date, so do not get all irate and stuff!) There is no significance to the order listed, but we are including only those people…

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A Brief History On April 14, 1561, numerous Germans witnessed what they described as an aerial battle over Nuremberg, Germany. Unlike many UFO sightings, this celestial event happened in daylight, a little after daybreak, and featured numerous UFOs, perhaps even hundreds of them!  The image on the left depicts the celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg as printed in an illustrated news notice in the same month.  The image on the right is from 1566. Digging Deeper The UFOs were described as being in many different varieties, with shapes including crosses, arrows or spears, tubes, triangles, globes, crescents and other objects, variously…

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A Brief History On April 14, 1772, the building tension toward open rebellion of Americans against the British erupted in New Hampshire in an incident known as The Pine Tree Riot.  The dispute at the core of this incident concerned the protection of Eastern White Pine trees of 12 inches or greater diameter, setting these aside for the exclusive use of British shipbuilders.  Obviously, colonists thought they had better uses for the wood growing in their own backyard! Digging Deeper Britain, an island nation of immense naval power, had largely stripped its own land of trees suitable for building ships,…

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A Brief History On April 14, 1775, Benjamin Franklin along with Benjamin Rush founded the first abolitionist society in the US, The Society For the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in Bondage.  Apparently, in those days catchy acronyms were not the style! Digging Deeper Ben Franklin was a man of such a variety of talents and involved in so many things we have to call him The Most Interesting Man in the World! Born in 1706 in Boston, Franklin worked as a young man as a printer.  When only 15 he scored his first of many major firsts, in…

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A Brief History On April 14, 1994, the US Air Force proved once again that there is no such thing as “friendly fire!”  (Note: So called “friendly fire” is a case of one side killing or destroying its own troops or equipment by accident.  Calling such “blue on blue” type of accidental fire “friendly” strikes us as an oxymoron!) Digging Deeper In 1994, US military forces engaged in “Operation Provide Comfort” in Iraq had a mission of protecting ethnic Kurds from Saddam Hussein’s military.  On the fateful day, 2 Air Force F-15 Eagles enforcing a “no fly zone” mistook 2 US…

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