A Brief History
Today, April 14, 2021, I would like to write a general message to everyone who has been sending or intends to send me messages requesting to contribute guest or sponsored articles on this site or to have links inserted into existing articles. On a daily basis, my inbox is flooded with numerous emails from individuals asking about having guest or sponsored articles on this site or having links inserted into existing articles. I am hoping that this article will discourage anyone from doing so any further.
Digging Deeper
Following the unexpected death of the original, previous owner of the site, I want to make it clear that as the new and current owner of this site, I am not accepting any new guest or sponsored articles from anyone, nor any link insertions, as I have neither the time nor motivation to do so. I have no intentions of ever accepting any further guest articles on this site and nor do I have any intentions of accepting any new paid posts or link insertions. Furthermore, I do not have any plans of selling this site as I will either leave it to a friend or family member or have it shut down in the event that I am unable to continue to run it.
The planned content on this site moving forward is as follows: I am publishing (usually on Mondays) “this date in history” style articles authored by myself or my father as well as occasional articles about movie screenings promoted by friends (I am not paid to promote these movie screenings). I am a history teacher and my site’s primary function is as an educational resource for my students with new content intended specifically for them, aside from the movie screening articles intended to help my friends. This predominantly educational content is also made available for the benefit of the general public. In terms of advertising on this site, I am only maintaining minimal ads via Google AdSense to cover hosting fees, while also having some links to relevant sources available on Amazon.com in the “Historical Evidence” sections of articles. Thus, regardless of the site’s original purpose under its founder, this site’s main purpose now is as an educational resource for my students rather than as a commercial venture. This site moving forward should be considered a blog by a history teacher and his father, a college-educated veteran.
Therefore, please do not email me about having guest or sponsored posts published on this site or having links inserted into existing articles. Also, if there is some kind of list somewhere that claims this site offers guest/sponsored posts on my site, please let me know so this site can be removed from any such listing or if you are able to remove my site from such a list, please do so as I have no intentions of ever accepting guest or sponsored articles, nor any link insertions, now or in the future regardless of any monetary offer.
Thank you for your understanding and I wish you good luck in your ventures!
Question for students (and subscribers): What is your favorite article on this site? Please let us know in the comments section below this article.
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Historical Evidence
For more information, please see…
Gunelius, Susan. Blogging All-in-One For Dummies. For Dummies, 2012.
The featured image in this article, a photograph by pixelcreatures, is licensed under the Pixabay License.