Browsing: Politics

A Brief History Earlier today, you read about “Old Bacon Face” being acquitted.  Well, here are the top 10 famous acquittals! Digging Deeper 10. John Hinckley (1981) The man who attempted an assassination of President Reagan was Obsessed with actress Jodie Foster.  Hinckley tried to kill the president in order to get her attention.  Although found not guilty by reason of insanity, he will probably be in psychiatric custody for life.  This case spurred debate over the insanity defense. 9. Lorena Bobbit (1993) This woman cut her husband’s penis off, and then fled with the severed member, later throwing it…

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A Brief History On Tuesday, March 1, 2016, voters in nearly a dozen U.S. states vote in their states’ Democratic and Republican primaries to choose their parties’ candidates for the next U.S. president to replace out-going President Barack Obama. Digging Deeper Unfortunately, those running this year have serious flaws that ultimately make voters’ decisions a classic case of choosing the lesser of…well, “evil”, may be too harsh a term and we do not seriously think the candidates are necessarily “evil”, but they do make feeling enthusiastic about any of them quite difficult. You may find these maps helpful for determining…

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A Brief History On March 1, 1805, the United States government was reeling from a never to be repeated political power play! Digging Deeper Digging deeper, we find Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase acquitted by the US Senate at the conclusion of his impeachment trial.  No Supreme Court justice had been impeached before nor has any since. Samuel Chase, appointed by George Washington to the Supreme Court, was known as “Old Bacon Face” back in his law practicing days in Maryland. Apparently his views on the way the US should be governed differed from the opinions of President Thomas Jefferson…

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A Brief History On February 25, 1932, Adolf Hitler applied for German citizenship.  Why?  Because he was not German!  And that is just the first of today’s fascinating facts about Adolf Hitler.  To see our full list of the “Top Ten Bizarre Adolf Hitler Facts,” please click here.  For more on this particular entry, please read on below… Digging Deeper Digging deeper, we find Hitler born in Austria, and thus had to apply for naturalization as a German citizen in order to hold political office. So how many other famous people were not of the nationality or ethnicity you thought they…

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A Brief History On February 22, 1909, President Teddy Roosevelt made good on his advice to “carry a big stick.” Digging Deeper Digging deeper, we find the “Great White Fleet,” 16 modern battleships of the U.S. Navy, along with various smaller craft, returning home. Roosevelt was determined to show the world that the United States was a power to be reckoned with and so had this fleet painted all white so that it would be instantly recognized.  It was! On the pretext of a goodwill cruise, the Great White Fleet circled the globe to show friend and foe alike the power of…

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