Browsing: March 9

A Brief History On March 9, 1925, the British Royal Air Force began operations in South Waziristan against Mahfud tribesmen called Pink’s War, the first independent such operation by the RAF and to date the only operation named after an RAF commander. (Not after the 21st Century rock star!)  Conducted in what is now the border area between Afghanistan and Pakistan, the aerial attack against the Mahfud, a Pashtun people, went on for 53 days, ending on May 1, 1925.  Joining other goofy named wars such as The War of Jenkin’s Ear, The Soccer War, The Whiskey Rebellion, War of…

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A Brief History On March 9, 2018, a major motion picture written and directed by Corey Finley makes its debut across the United States, a movie touted as “Heathers meets American Psycho.” Thoroughbreds is a film about 2 teen age girls that form an unlikely duo plotting the murder of the rich girl’s stepfather. We thought it was more of a “Heathers meets Heavenly Creatures meets Wild Things.” We really do not get the American Psycho analogy, but what do we know? Digging Deeper A comedy/suspense/drama film, the movie only lasts 90 minutes, which is plenty of time to tell…

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A Brief History On March 9, 1982, Krononauts (or Chrononauts) held a meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, for any and all time travelers to meet for the purpose of discussing and demonstrating methods of time travel. To our knowledge, no actual working time machines were displayed, but such an event gives us pause to consider, If time travel was possible, what event or time period would we most like to go back in time to observe? Today we will list some events we would most like to see happen first hand, but at a safe distance! Some of the events we…

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A Brief History On March 9, 1961, the Soviet space agency launched Korabl-Sputnik 9, a space craft containing Ivan Ivanovich and his pets, into space and into low Earth orbit. Digging Deeper Not ready to try their space capsule with a real person, Ivan the Cosmonaut was actually a mannequin, though his “pets,” a guinea pig, some mice, and a dog named Chemushka, were real living critters.  Launched atop a Vostok-K rocket from the Baikonor Cosmodrome, the Sputnik made only 1 orbit (which was the plan) before it was intentionally brought back into reentry. During reentry, Ivan Ivanovich was ejected…

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A Brief History On March 9, 1831, King Louis Phillipe of France established the French Foreign Legion, a fighting force for France that has gone on to win fame and admiration for their fierceness, esprit d’ corps, bravery and honor. Digging Deeper Formed from the remains of foreign regiments fighting for France (German and Swiss), the Legion was formed in response to the need for reinforcements in the French battles to pacify the colony of Algeria.  Expressly formed for fighting outside of continental France only, the Foreign Legion is officered exclusively by French officers and though most of the recruits…

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