Author: History and Headlines contributors

History and Headlines contributors

This profile is used for articles authored by multiple writers for this site.

A Brief History While history itself can be defined as all the actions taken by human beings and the consequences of those actions, including those events that shaped human existence, such as environmental and natural factors, people have not always had the inclination or the means to record those events and conditions, so a record of human history only dates back to Egyptian records dating to around 3200 BC or perhaps Babylonian/ Mesopotamian recordings from the same time frame.  The budding Sumerian civilization even predated other ancient nascent civilizations, by a good 1000 years or more!  The era of human…

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A Brief History On October 1, 2009, paleontologists formally announced the discovery of the relatively complete Ardipithecus ramidus fossil skeleton first unearthed in 1994.  An incredibly important find in the search for the origins of human beings, the fossil is of a creature that is both bipedal and arboreal, and not real good at either form of existence!  When walking upright, Ardipithecus ramidus was less efficient than humans, and life in the trees left him less than as adept as arboreal primates.  Still, Ardi is an example of the species that is recognized as the earliest member of the family…

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A Brief History This article presents tables of contents for our online versions of freely accessible “textbooks” for college history courses. Digging Deeper American History through the Civil War An examination of the creation and development of a distinctively American civilization, from its origins through the Civil War (to 1865) Introduction The New Global World The Invasion and Settlement of North America: Creating a British Empire in America, 1550-1750 Growth and Crisis in Colonial Society, 1720-1765 Toward Independence: Years of Decision, 1763-1776 Making War and Republican Governments, 1776-1789 Politics and Society in the New Republic, 1787-1820 Economic Transformation, 1790-1860 A…

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